Coast PAC

A Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) consists of parents who volunteer their time to help organize social events and fundraisers, and to review issues pertaining to the school, students, education and safety.  All parents and guardians of students at Coast Meridian are automatically members of the Parent Advisory Committee.

Our goal is to enhance the learning and social environment of all students and to build a strong sense of school community with our families.  Every student at Coast benefits in some way, from our fundraising efforts.


Fundraising achievements

Every year, our PAC supports school-related expenditures such as

  • Classroom funding for supplies and field trips
  • Fine Arts performances held in the gym
  • Classroom earthquake kits
  • Books, library shelving, learning support resources, Rainy Day games
  • School jerseys, musical instruments
  • Folding chairs and tables, computer equipment, audio-visual equipment


After three years of planning and fundraising, the PAC was able to unveil a playground addition in November 2014.